200814 Sunya Talk-The right practice

In the past I have mentioned that we must not indulge in two types of practices – Nihilism and Absolutism. Nihilism focuses more on nothingness. It suggests us to fall into oblivion through meditation, by letting go off all worldly pleasures. Absolutism on the other hand, talks about how winning is the only reason for us to move forward in life and nothing else. Following any of these principles will only put you in adversity and nothing else.

The key to practicing this by controlling your body first. After you master that, you can control your mind.

People who practice Nihilism question the purpose of materialistic commodities. Their logic being that we cannot take these objects along with us in the afterlife. This is more of a cult and this would only do harm to society and relationships. You cannot expect peace from such an environment. Absolutism rules out the option of failing completely. They don’t realize that most successful companies and businesses have actually failed initially before experiencing success. They tend to ignore that the most important part of failure is that we learn from our mistakes and become better with time.

In Sunya, we do just that. We train individuals to confront failure. You can be successful only when you learn how to deal with failure. Our company is the best example I can relate this topic to. DXN faced many difficulties and failures during the early days. However, we learned how to adapt to these challenges by modifying our marketing strategies and tactics to handle the market. We weathered through tough times and learnt how to be patient without giving up at the sight of adversity. Eventually, our sales picked up and we started achieving success, step by step. Even during COVID-19, while many businesses have gone into huge losses, we recovered quick enough since we were ready to handle a catastrophe.

In the past, few leaders questioned the precautions that were being taken since they were confident of being successful despite what the situation was like. We built multiple factories so we can continue production in at least few of them, in case of any emergency. We have factories in China, India, Indonesia and Mexico. For being prepared during emergencies, we started stocking up products as buffer stock. This came in handy during the lockdown since all of our factories were not functioning. Nevertheless, we did not let it affect us since we had six months’ worth of buffer stock left. So, the sales were continuing smoothly. So, since nihilism and absolutism are not the right practices, you may ask, “What is the right practice?” The right practice is something that does not interfere with your everyday activities and religious beliefs. According to me, the practice that fits the criteria is reverse counting. Reverse counting helps in easing and calming your mind down. It especially helps people who are suffering from depression and mental health issues.

Presently, we have more than tens of thousands of people who practice and follow Sunya. All you need to do is make time for yourself and practice it wholeheartedly. I would suggest to practice it after you wake up in the morning but if that is not possible, then you can practice it according to your convenience. In Sunya, we do not experience any kind of enlightenment. Our goal is to achieve peace and prosperity. If you have expectations from Sunya, you will develop a false dependency on it and it would be similar to worshipping a name or fame.

The key to practicing this by controlling your body first. After you master that, you can control your mind. Our mind, body and environment are considered to be one entity and if any harm is caused to one of them, the other two will be affected as well.